Bobbi Jo
Bobbi Jo came into this world on December 28, 1982 at 8:18am
after a difficult pregnancy. Her dad, Jim, kept running between the nursery to see Bobbi
and the recovery room to see me. All he said was, “all she has on is a clothespin clip
on the cord”. We went home after a 2 day hospital stay.
I remember being so happy.
Jim and I had decided that we would only have one child because there was a big
age difference between us, but fate intervened and Jami Rae was born on November 4, 1984.
Bobbi Jo wasn’t too thrilled about having a baby sister. She didn’t mind if I held her
but would throw a fit if daddy or grandma even looked at the baby.
Bobbi was daddy’s girl through and through; when he wasn’t at work she was with him.
As Jami got a little bigger and Bobbi got use to the idea that she was there to stay
she became very protective of Jami. They grew up to be very close. Anything Bobbi did Jami thought
she had to do. Bobbi was always very outgoing and Jami was the shy one.
Bobbi’s famous line anytime she met someone new was "Hi my names Bob what’s yours?”
She never met a stranger and she always had a smile.
Even now when someone talks about Bobbi the first thing they say is
she was always smiling, and loved to pull pranks on people, especially her daddy
she was always getting him.
Bobbi did very well in school; she loved to run in track and cross country, play basketball and play the
piano. She also loved, music, playing the piano, writing, running, DANCING & camping.
She was learning to cook and was getting good and liking it.
Growing up she didn’t have time for the kitchen she would rather be outside with dad.
She wanted more than anything to win the state championship in cross country
before she graduated high school. That dream came true her senior year.
She was the first to cross the finish line and Jami was 9th.
The trophy is displayed at her high school along with a memorial tribute to her.
Bobbi loved elephants and collected all kinds.
I`d like to tell you a little story about my becoming a grandma for the first time.
On my 41st Birthday Bobbi Jo called to tell me happy birthday. She didn`t sound
like her usual upbeat perky self and so I asked her if she was alright, she had asthma
like me and she had good and bad days with it. Anyway she said oh mom I`m so sick,
everytime I eat I get sick and everytime someone is cooking something I get sick.
I told her I didn`t think she was sick, she was pregnant, she said OH no mom I can`t be.
I said have you been using protection? she said no we don`t have to Michael can`t have kids.
I told her to go to the drug store and get a pregnancy test and some pepto-bismol.
If the pregnancy test was negative then take the pepto and go see the doctor if she
was not better in a day or two. She called me back later that day and said I was right
she did 2 pregnancy tests and both were positive. She said mom I`m coming over tonight.
She came over and I took her to the doctor the next morning. If you`d known Bobbi before
you would have understood this a little better, but Bobbi Jo was a daddy`s girl through and
through, (I was jealous of this alot of the time during her childhood I felt like I wasn`t good enough).
She never came to me with any problems before this.
I`m so glad now that we got to experience this time in her life together.
For the first time in her life she needed her momma as much as momma needed her.
Anyway she stayed here at the house with us, I think she read every book on childbirth
and child rearing available, she did everything by the book or whatever the doctor
told her to do. This also surprised me cause Bobbi was very spoiled
usually if she wanted something dad got it!
I never thought I`d see the day
she would put someone else before herself.
Bobbi stayed here with us for the next 3 months she said she knew if she stayed
here she would have good food cause mom was a good cook. I teased her that she
must be having 2 babies the way she was eating. She had alot of morning sickness,
everytime she got into a car she got sick, the smell of cigarette smoke also made her sick.
Although Bob was doing all the right things as far as the pregnancy went she really
didn`t seem to excited about the baby, until June 26th when we went for her ultrasound.
Michael came over and went with us, the nurse showed us the baby
and the look on Bobbi`s face was worth a millon dollars.
She said thats really my baby in there huh?
Then the nurse ask if we wanted to know the baby`s sex, I said yes,
Bobbi and Michael said they wanted to wait and be surprised.
I begged to know and finally Bob said oh go ahead but you might as well tell us too
cause mom can`t keep a secret like this. When the nurse said it was a girl, I thought
Bob would jump off that table and Michaels face just lit up.
Bobbi Jo and I went shopping everyday for the next couple of weeks, I don`t
even remember how much money I spent, but that baby wasn`t
going to be hurting for anything.
Then one day Bobbi & Michael told me they had picked out a name for the baby.
They said it would be Ariauna Foreal. I said oh hell no you ain`t naming my
grandbaby Foreal. It was actually a joke on me, I use to tell Bobbi & Jami
they needed to get there rooms cleaned up or something or another,
and they would both say Foreal Mom, it irratated the heck out of me them saying that.
So after Bobbi let me stew a little while over the name she said no mom I was just
messing with you her name is going to be Ariauna Markee, No nicknames just Ariauna.
The nickname Auna Duck came about when Auna was 2 weeks old.
I called Bobbi to see how they were doing, she said Auna Ducks asleep in the duck room.
I said whats this Auna duck business? She said well mom alls I can see is Auna`s head and ducks, her nursery was decorated in ducks.
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